
CM-Equity AG
Kaufingerstrasse 20, 80331 Munich, Germany

Executive Board:
Michael Kott (CEO)

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Sebastian Schütz

Register court: Local Court München

Register number: HRB 143533

Sales tax identification number according to act § 27 a VAT Tax Act: DE222792820
Responsible according to act § 55 RStV:  Sophie Kott

Supervisory authority

As a licensed financial services institution in Germany As a licensed financial services institution in Germany (license is according to § 15 Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz (WpIG) to investment brokerage, investment advisory, placement business, acquisition services, financial portfolio management, proprietary trading and proprietary businesses), we are subject to supervision by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

Federal Supervisory Authority for Financial Services and Securities (BaFin)

Graurheindorferstraße 108, 53117 Bonn

Tel.: +49 (0) 228 4108-0

Fax: +49 (0) 228 4108-1550



Registered with the Slovenien Securities Market Agency to provide services under 2004/39/ES (MIFID).

Risk information

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Exchange-traded futures and derivatives involve risks that can lead to a total loss of the invested capital. Despite the positive results achieved in the past and the due care taken by the persons responsible for trading, the possibility of negative developments cannot be excluded.

Any investment in the asset categories described above (futures trading) should be selected with due consideration to spread, and should only involve a small part of the investor’s assets. Historical returns are no guarantee of future performance. Exchange transactions, in particular transactions in derivatives involve significant risks.


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